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NPS Media and Digital Learning Resources
Student Information and Literacy Skills
The Mitchell Media Center curriculum has three strands: Literacy, Research, and Technology. Media classes relate to the units of study in individual classrooms, and teachers may bring their classes to the Media Center beyond the weekly scheduled class times. Students are encouraged to visit at anytime with permission from their teachers in order to do research, or to choose a new book to read.
The Literacy component includes reading aloud, discussing stories and making literacy connections, learning about authors and illustrators, learning about different genres of books, and finding books appropriate for students' interests and reading levels.
The Research component is organized around "The Big 6", a nationally acclaimed method of helping students learn how to do research. The six steps are:
1. Task Definition - defining the informational problem
2. Information Seeking Strategies - determining the range of resources and selecting the best
3. Location and Access - locating sources and finding the information within them
4. Use of information - reading or listening to the source, note-taking
5. Synthesis - organizing and presenting the information
6. Evaluation - judging the final project and research process against a predetermined rubric
The Technology component seeks to help students learn the technological skills appropriate for their grade level. Students learn skills in media classes and also through projects designed collaboratively by their classroom teacher, library teacher, and technology specialist. Mitchell has enough computers for every student in the Media Center.
The Mitchell Media Center website includes resources for grade level research projects. You may wish to bookmark this on your home computer. Included are some child-friendly search engines and links to the Minuteman Library Network databases as well as other suggested websites.